Improve CRM and Lead Generation


Financial Services & Insurance Industry Solutions

We help financial companies empower intelligent banking and insurance with customized technology solutions that are seamless and secure. We leverage solutions such as Intelligent Marketing, Compliance Tracking, and Migrating Line of Business Apps to redefine how financial companies do business. 

Loss Prevention Bot:

A comprehensive risk assessment solution for field engineer assessing risk at insurable properties, providing a Chat Bot against Standard Operating procedures and Safety recommendations.  

Research has shown that increasing customer retention by 5% can lead to increased profits of 25% to 95%. Spyglass MTG leverages Azure AI Services to cross-sell/up-sell, derive customer relationship quality, build market segment analysis, generate demand forecasting, lead generation, analyze customer sentiment, build new customer loyalty, drive top line revenue growth and margin improvement with behavioral analysis of the consumer to drive more relevant offers and recommendations, and implement personalized marketing and personalized pricing and promotions. Understanding and analyzing your brand’s Customer Lifetime Value is the key to unlocking insights that can help you increase your customer loyalty and profitability.

Compliance Tracking is an important step in ensuring that analysts are meeting your corporate compliance requirements. Proper Compliance Tracking can help you make sure that a designated individual does not have a conflict of interest with the company with which you are meeting. It can also help you to identify the topics that will be covered before the call so that everyone can be prepared and stay on track. After the phone call, Compliance Tracking will help you attest that no material information was disclosed during the call.

Modernizing your portfolio of on-premises applications can enable you to gain strategic advantage and reduce costs. Adopting cloud techniques, such as microservices containerization using Docker and Kubernetes, enables the business to rapidly innovate and scale.


Our solution offers a comprehensive approach to protect identities and data, ensuring the confidentiality of information, securing research data, and mitigating risks associated with identity theft and data breaches. Spyglass helps organizations do this by focusing on the implementation of the appropriate controls and solutions with Microsoft Purview, Entra, Intune, and Defender for Office 365, Azure, and both structured and unstructured data sources (On-premises and Cloud based).


Case Study

An asset management company faced the challenge of intricate, in-house applications built on Windows, SQL Server, and additional tools like Rabbit MQ and Autosys. Collaborating closely, we conducted detailed architectural and code analyses. Leveraging Azure Migrate, we devised the necessary Azure infrastructure for a shift to Infrastructure as a Service. Our tailored approach included multiple migration routes, from straightforward lifts and shifts to comprehensive cloud-native modernization using Kubernetes, Containers, and .NET Core.

The outcome? A structured training plan for each functional group and a comprehensive project roadmap for transitioning all applications using cutting-edge cloud technologies. This empowered the client to grasp the full scope of their needs and make informed decisions driving their business forward.