Excel in Remote Classrooms and Interactive Learning


Higher Education Industry Solutions

We help education institutions implement technology solutions that result in more engaging remote classrooms and interactive learning scenarios for both the staff and students. We leverage solutions such as Remote Student Labs, Interactive Learning, and Education Quality Analytics to help these institutions excel in this newer realm of virtual education. 

Tutor Bot:

The Tutor Bot is an innovative Gen AI solution for education that enhances university course engagement through dynamic learning features such as interactive content overlay, multi-modal student engagement tools like information search, self-assessment, and conversational question interface. Built on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technology, the bot supports chat history, note uploads, and natural language interactions. Its system architecture includes an API Manager for load distribution and traffic prioritization, enabling model switching without code changes and detailed usage tracking for cost allocation. The Tutor Bot also offers robust security measures for diverse applications, integration with Large Language Models (LLMs), and customization options for custom application development via APIs.


Using AI, this offer provides enhanced engagement with customized acceptance letters by tailoring communication strategies for new student admissions. It leverages student data to personalize each letter, maintains consistency with institutional branding, celebrates student success, streamlines administrative efficiency, and creates positive first impressions.

This solution provides streamlined admissions essay evaluation by using Gen AI to aid in the organization, prioritization, and categorization of essays. It also offers visualization of essay topics, efficiency in the review process, thorough attention to each essay, aiding decision-making, and enhancing admissions quality.

Students today are intuitively digital. They have grown up with almost instant access to important information and a world of connected electronics at their fingertips. However, successfully executing Distance Learning is still proving to be a big challenge for many schools. We can help with our solutions that build on the Microsoft Generative AI Services to design an interactive learning solution that aids students on their terms, at their convenience, and keeps them engaged. 


Today’s complex world puts significant pressure on universities, from acquiring funding to attracting quality staff and students. People turn to data to tackle these demands, but millions of student records, disparate data sources, and lacking institutional standards hinder their efforts. To quickly execute, analyze, and react to these challenges, companies need a simplistic and intuitive view of their data. Spyglass MTG leverages an integrated data platform on Azure. We source data from everywhere whether data resides in extractable flat files, database silos, or anywhere else, with Power BI and the Azure Data Platform to build a customized set of performance metrics and a “visual storyboard” universities can leverage to take action. 

Event and Incident Reporting covers the processes and procedures that your organization will use to protect its employees and the public. Ensuring employees have access to the latest policies and procedures is essential to ensuring the safe operations of the facility. Enabling employees to report issues, such as a broken computer or a large beverage spill, as quickly and accurately as possible enables the organization to effectively document and remediate the issue in an appropriate time frame. Office 365 and the Power Platform provide the tools to build a cost-effective Event and Incident Reporting platform that meets your unique needs.

Modernizing your portfolio of on-premises applications can enable you to gain strategic advantage and reduce costs. Adopting cloud techniques, such as microservices containerization using Docker and Kubernetes, enables the business to rapidly innovate and scale.

With HEAR, Spyglass can help Higher Education institutions implement analytics reporting systems to aid in better understanding the overall engagement and learning patterns of students. This solution helps to lower student dropouts and increase engagement rates.

Admissions Acceleration is a solution that leverages Azure Open AI and other large language models to help Higher Education institutions identify and recruit prospective students more efficiently and effectively. This solution uses natural language processing and generation to analyze the academic profiles, interests, and preferences of potential applicants, and to create personalized and engaging correspondence that increases conversion rates. Admissions Acceleration can also help institutions optimize their marketing campaigns and outreach strategies by providing insights into the best channels, formats, and messages for different segments of students.

Our solution offers higher education institutions a comprehensive approach to protect identities and data, ensuring the confidentiality of student information, securing research data, and mitigating risks associated with identity theft and data breaches.  Spyglass helps institutions do this by focusing on the implementation of the appropriate controls and solutions with Microsoft Purview, Entra, Intune, and Defender for Office 365, Azure, and both structured and unstructured data sources (On-premises and Cloud based).


Case Study

A higher education university grappled with a sprawling security monitoring setup across multiple platforms, inhibiting a unified view of security events and impeding timely responses to cyber threats. Spyglass intervened, creating a centralized analytics data model housed in an Azure Data Lakehouse, consolidating diverse monitoring data into a cost-effective, efficient cloud solution. Ingestion pipelines were established to load the warehouse, enabling ML and analytics tools to access the data.

This transformation empowered the client to correlate vast amounts of disparate data, unveiling previously hidden security patterns. Moreover, the ability to build ML models for predictive analysis now arms them to anticipate and prevent future attacks proactively.